Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Veterinarians at UC Davis tend to animals injured in Calif. fires
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Reasons I Began Practicing in this Field
When I began practicing my field in medicine, technology was still very basic and mostly found in the instruments we used. In the more recent times, things have definitely changed and as a doctor, I not only had to learn how to hone my skills but I also had to learn how to be technologically efficient as well.
Back then, I did not own a computer and I honestly did not want to have to do anything with it but now I not only have a desktop (at work and at home) but I also own an iPad and an iPhone! Not only that, I’m also sort of into social media at the same time. I am an avid user of Facebook, where I like to share photos and post funny stories for my friends and I to discuss and laugh about and I also know how to use Instagram! I’m not very good at it though but hey, to say that I’m outdated would be a lie and I know I’m hip! Hihihi.
At the center, things are very high tech and most of our documentation is done on a computer instead of writing like we used to do before. Recently, we’ve changed our database program and we’re definitely seeing the benefits.
I think it’s great that we’ve decided to go green and refrain from using so much paper. I remember how fluttered my desk would be before and how time consuming it would be to document each patient's progress. But now, documentation is faster, it’s safer and it’s even easier to consolidate information when I need it!
They say that you can’t teach old dogs new tricks but in my field of work, it’s important for us to be sponge like and absorb as much information as we can in order to create better work scenarios for the benefit of our patients, as well.
Fun fact, we do not allow our patients to use computers or have access to the internet at the center while they are admitted. For the first few weeks, we like to detach them for the world so we can try a hard detox on them and sometimes, the internet can be a bad influence on them.
Whoever made the saying “Rehab is for quitters” is a shmuck and we don’t like him!
Monday, September 7, 2015
Growing and Developing Today
The clocked alarmed and it’s time for the patient to take their morning medication. Everybody is all dolled up feeling fresh as the beautiful morning greeted them with a lively sunrise. The staff are preparing the gym for the routine daily exercise of the patients and hospital team. The world of rehabilitation center is just as common with the hospital environment but with a twist of unique individual being confined for the hope of fast and fruitful recovery.
Being a full time doctor in one of the reputed Rehabilitation Center in our town gave me the opportunity to become one of the most respected and looked up doctor in the medical world. Studying the behavior of an individual to uncover all his strengths and weaknesses requires established trust and strong communication. My career taught me a lot to develop my skills in a way that I develop my personal characteristic as well. In the kind of work that I do, I believe that having a solid attitude will help me to succeed.
As the team leader in the facility, I always begin the program with a prayer. Everybody in the facility are required to participate in our morning routine activities. Our usual morning would always start with an exercise because I believe that regular physical activity would result to good health and that is what every individual needs to become fruitful in the daily demands of life. After which, we would resume our daily task for the day. During mid-day, we would have our coffee break and have some casual talk. As I was sipping my favorite coffee while taking a good deep breath, I heard some of my staff talking about a certain topic about cats that wear diapers which is a condition called Manx Syndrome. According to Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, “The term ‘Manx syndrome’ is used to describe a range of conditions seen in the Manx cat, associated with its characteristic feature – a shortened or absent tail Unfortunately this very obvious vertebral mutation is often linked to some severe developmental abnormalities elsewhere in the spinal cord leading to significant neurological disease (disease of the nervous system)”.
It kind of moved me in a way since I have two Manx cat that I have been taking good care for 3 years now. They were my companion in my apartment and whenever I arrived home all my weariness are ease because of their sweet and playful personality. I was just thankful that even though they have this incomplete part of their body, they still have all this energy that brought joy and happiness not just to me but to my whole friends and family.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Music is a HUGE Part of Us
According to Media Guardian Website, an average of 1.99 million music listeners weekly had been recorded in the third quarter of 2014. It only proves that Music made a huge part in people’s lives. It became a routine activity for the young and elderly generation to listen to their favorite song every single day. Studies show that even 65 year old people also listen to the top trend music of today’s generation mixed with their classical favorite songs.
The art and craft of music had been continuously innovating together with the new style of the past, present and future generation. Artists and composers like me often do our piece of expertise depending on what would fit on the generation’s trend. I’ve been a music coach for Silver Tunes for 2 years now and I love everything about my career. At Silver Tunes we focus on helping and educate people in developing their skills. My coaching is targeted at providing our customers and students with the education and confidence to enhance their passions. Silver Tunes mainly focuses on Technology, Music & Cooking. I’ve been handling 3 students per day in which I can share my knowledge and skill to them. Handling small number of students is the best way to produce a great result.
When I first started as a musical coach, everything was new to me but every step is all worth it. My journey in the music industry taught me a lot in life and made me a better person. I live my life with positivity and enthusiasm. Music gave me the inner strength to push through even at my darkest moments. Before I start my coaching with my students, I make sure that I get to know them more. I usually interact with them at my most approachable way as possible. I practice this method in order for us to establish a good working relationship with each other. One of my best student mentioned to me about this diet supplement called Phen375. She told me that this natural supplement offers a lot of health benefit that can help me in my busy schedules.
As Fenugreek helps in increasing Testosterone level it also has number of beneficial effects, including: high energy levels, better bone density and stronger immune function. It kind of interest me that I decided to purchase one bottle online and it really did boost my energy level after 1 week of taking the supplement. It helped me to perform better in my work and gave me all the energy that I needed throughout the day.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Why I Began Practicing in this Field
When I began practicing my field in medicine, technology was still very basic and mostly found in the instruments we used. In the more recent times, things have definitely changed and as a doctor, I not only had to learn how to hone my skills but I also had to learn how to be technologically efficient as well.
Back then, I did not own a computer and I honestly did not want to have to do anything with it but now I not only have a desktop (at work and at home) but I also own an iPad and an iPhone! Not only that, I’m also sort of into social media at the same time. I am an avid user of Facebook, where I like to share photos and post funny stories for my friends and I to discuss and laugh about and I also know how to use Instagram! I’m not very good at it though but hey, to say that I’m outdated would be a lie and I know I’m hip! Hihihi.
At the center, things are very high tech and most of our documentation is done on a computer instead of writing like we used to do before. Recently, we’ve changed our database program and we’re definitely seeing the benefits.
I think it’s great that we’ve decided to go green and refrain from using so much paper. I remember how fluttered my desk would be before and how time consuming it would be to document each patient's progress. But now, documentation is faster, it’s safer and it’s even easier to consolidate information when I need it!
They say that you can’t teach old dogs new tricks but in my field of work, it’s important for us to be sponge like and absorb as much information as we can in order to create better work scenarios for the benefit of our patients, as well.
Fun fact, we do not allow our patients to use computers or have access to the internet at the center while they are admitted. For the first few weeks, we like to detach them for the world so we can try a hard detox on them and sometimes, the internet can be a bad influence on them.
Whoever made the saying “Rehab is for quitters” is a shmuck and we don’t like him!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Ordinary Is NOT a word I would Use to Describe my Job
Ordinary isn’t a word to describe working in a rehab center. But if you’re like me living in one, whose routine is to wake up and get ready and immediately check your assigned patient, then ordinary is acceptable. You’ll get use to the new comers, forced and was admitted by their wife or mother. You’ll get use to the patients who finds a way to their old routine. You’ll get used to those patients who are emotionally drained from an accident or death. You’ll get used to them and find it ordinary. Reminding them that their number one goal is to get out of the institution, is one of the things listed on your routine.
If you’ll ask me ten years ago what I want to do with my life, I’d say I want to be build a sculpture that will be known and be seen by tourists. I was desiring to paint the streets, the city with my ideas. It is basically far from where I am now. Things change and you’ll desire for more practical things. I experienced working in an advertising company. I thought I would find what I’m looking for in that place of creative people. It was three years of stress, liquor and smoking. Next thing I know, I am jobless and lonely. My sister decided to get me some help before I lose everything I’ve earned in my bank account.
It wasn’t easy to trust strangers in a facility who are paid to help people like me. Full room of strangers. It was quite frightening, during my first week. I got used to it like the other patients. Not drinking was easy, but quitting from cigarettes did become an issue. They introduced me to electronic cigarettes, until I finally decided to quit. After rehab, I decided to move on. I found something to live for. Being in a rehab facility made me realize what life is all about, and it’s not something you want to get wasted. I decided I want to help them, like how I got it. I went to med school, and now I’m in a rehab center.
The other day, I received my birthday present from my sister. It was an skin care anti wrinkle cream called Life Cell. It was like a Christmas ghost package to me. There was a note attached to it that says “In case you’ve forgotten it’s your birthday”. Then I remembered that day when she took me to that rehab facility, it was my birthday.
I’ve always been thankful for what she did. Grateful that I’ve gotten help. I realized that the question wasn’t “How ordinary is your life?” It should be “Life is extraordinary”. Life is extraordinary, though some days seem to be ordinary. Life is extraordinary, and you should rejoice and live with its package. Life is extraordinary, after all you’ve been through. Life is extraordinary and time is running, you have to recover soon and get out of this facility.